Say NO to Floodplain Buildings

Protecting the Rivanna River by opposing floodplain development.

Artist renderings of the site plan for 0 E High St.


Thanks to community turnout on August 8th, the Planning Commission found the roads and parking lot (some of the public facilities) of the 0 E. High St. site plan not consistent with Charlottesville's Comprehensive Plan.

At the Planning Commission's next regular meeting, September 12th, it "will consider adoption of its written findings from the August 8th meeting and a resolution".

If you feel compelled, it would not hurt to send an email ahead of that meeting, applauding the Planning Commission's decision and urging adoption of the findings and resolution. You can contact members of the Commission by emailing Carrie Rainey at

Meanwhile, the developer has submitted a 5th site plan that is under review by City Staff until October 5th.

Our Mission

We are dedicated to protecting the natural beauty and ecological integrity of the Rivanna River floodplain by opposing the construction of 245 multifamily housing units on the Circus Grounds in Charlottesville, VA. Join us in our mission to safeguard this vital ecosystem.

Opposing Floodplain Development

Seven Development proposes to put 245 multifamily housing units (25 efficiencies, 135 1-bedroom, 85 2-bedroom units) on 8.1 acres of property adjoining the Rivanna River, just south of the Free Bridge, on land known as 0 East High Street, or the “Circus Grounds," in Charlottesville, VA.

The proposal is now described in a 4th preliminary site plan submitted to the City of Charlottesville, which the City rejected on July 14, 2023. The first three preliminary site plans were also rejected.

Why Oppose the Development?

The proposal:

  • Is inconsistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan

  • Would require construction in the floodplain and encroach upon a properly drawn regulatory floodway

  • Would require fill with dirt of unknown composition and from unknown sources and Involve construction of a long retaining wall, both of which cause upstream and downstream flooding

  • Would displace the popular Rivanna River Company recreational facilities

  • Has inadequate plans for stormwater management

  • Has not properly delineated or protected wetlands

Preserving the Rivanna River, Protecting Our Community

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